Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Thank you "Momma" Cindy!

I believe it was a couple of blogs ago in which I expressed my sadness for not recording more events from the reunion, that and my amateur ability with my new cam corder... are they even called that anymore? Well, I am pleased to announce that someone took pity on me, and that someone is Cindy. She happened to have a stock pile of already edited video's ready for the posting. After a little battle with figuring out how to get them, I am ready to post more. Keeping in line with a technique that the Brickman has shown me, I will be crediting the work to the creator... though I am not always sure who was recording. I know Eric had the camera a lot, so I guess I will give credit to the singing Andersons. And what better way to start out than with a clip titled "Everything is Great". I want to add that Cindy did the editing and has also cleverly named each movie. A superb job I might add. So without further delay, I give you, "Everything is Great"!

Movie filmed by the Singing Andersons
Edited By Cindy "Momma" Anderson
And what post would be complete without The Brickman explaining something. This one is cleverly named, "Uncle Dick, teaches a lesson"! (It's in his blood ya know)

Movie filmed by the Singing Andersons
Edited By Cindy "Momma" Anderson
Again, I want to give thanks to Momma for putting in a lot of work to not only getting the files to me, but also for the time that went into the editing... and being gracious to share these treasures. Keep checking back for more, I feel like The Brickman when the pictures were posted.



Shelley said...

For those of us that are technologically inept, how do you turn off the music and listen to the video sound?

Anonymous said...

I am rewriting the code for the mp3 player that appears in the upper right hand corner of the blog, just below the Banana picture. Currently it is designed to automatically play music, I am changing the script so that it will not do that anymore. Music will still be available for listening, you will need to press the play button on the MP3 player to start streaming music. It should be fixed now! Sorry

Melanie said...

the thesaurus gives the following words for great: superlative, supreme, surpassing and transcendent. so it's fitting that it was the main word to describe the reunion since it was totally all those things!:)

Buppa H said...

Luv the videos!

The Brickman said...

I noticed a number of people in the video named "Everything is Great" referenced Mike as the camera man.

Momma said...

Everything is Great is a compiled of both Eric and Michael behind the camera.
It's pretty rough editing, I really don't know what I am doing. But, I think everyone will agree, the reunion was GREAT!