Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Family togetherness

Families support one another. The same can be said for ours... witness the Anderson Family Reunion. A lot of bonding took place. Witness good ol' fashioned sportsmanship and camaraderie. Today I give you "The Arm Wrestling Championship".

Movie filmed by the Singing Andersons
Edited By Cindy "Momma" Anderson
Along with sports, comes games. This particular card game I believe I have played before... it goes by many names. Judging by the look on Eric's face, you know how it ends. He calls it Nazi, but Cindy calls it, "Have a nice day". The players are ruthless I might add.

Movie filmed by the Singing Andersons
Edited By Cindy "Momma" Anderson

Can you feel the love and support from one another, supporting good communication, helping each other?

Lastly, there is nothing more conducive for family togetherness than a good hike to create an atmosphere of bonding. Being one with nature, testing faith in directions... keeping calm when you get lost. Meeting "International Hikers" who happen to love Jerry Lewis and para sailing, can have a humbling effect. It makes one appreciate their own family because hey; at least their family is not as not as weird as that guy. To find out more, click here "Hiking, an international experience". Here is, "This is going to end poorly". You can tell Momma had a lot of faith as well, based on the name of the video. :-)

Movie filmed by the Singing Andersons
Edited By Cindy "Momma" Anderson
It kind of reminded me of the Blaire Witch Project... if you saw it...

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