Friday, October 3, 2008

I need a Grandpa!

Today's installments will consist of more Anderson reunion mayhem. I really have enjoyed watching these, having never seen them myself, I feel anticipation every time I read a title that has some clever tie in with the movie and it's contents... again thank you Cindy. So why the title of the blog? The first movie is short, but I feel there is a great theme to it, and Momma obviously sensed it as well, hence it's title. When I first saw the title "Good throw" I wondered what it would elude to, and what is neat is that the explanation comes at the end of the movie. Watch and then I will explain my reasons for the today's blog title.

Movie filmed by the Singing Andersons
Edited By Cindy "Momma" Anderson
If you watch Ethan through out the entire clip you can see the build up process, in preparation to throw the rock into the water. What is sad is that right at the climax, he drops it. Tugging at the heart strings a booming voice comes from behind the camera yelling, "Good Throw Ethan"!, in support of his efforts. Reassuring him that he had done a good job, even if it didn't turn out the way he had hoped. Maybe I am making too much out of this; but there has to be some great similitude to this and another father figure, but I will let you connect the dots. :-)

On a similar note, of father or Grandfatherly love and assistance, I present to you "Lia calls a cab".

Movie filmed by the Singing Andersons
Edited By Cindy "Momma" Anderson
That grin and enthusiasm is priceless.

Since were on the them of fatherly bonding, I found this clip to be especially cute. "The Great Pacifier Trick"

Movie filmed by the Singing Andersons
Edited By Cindy "Momma" Anderson
I don't know who enjoys this trick more, Andy or Jennah. But it does reminds me of BanAnna. When it comes to food, she always wants what I am having because it tastes better.


1 comment:

Momma said...

I like your analogy. Our Heavenly Father bless us for our efforts regardless how small.
You are doing a great job with these. I worried I needed to add music or something to really make them more interesting, but you have really made them look good!!