Friday, September 12, 2008

There's a Skeeter!

As I mentioned in my last blog, I was able to secure a couple of home movies from the "Anti-Talent Show", back at the reunion in July. I enjoyed watching these, and I was sad to see that the Peanut Butter and Jelly song was not in the mix. I did find, however, the song called "There's a Skeeter in the Bathroom". Today's post will be short, I want to thank all the nice heartfelt compliments from the last couple of posts. I truly have felt the warmth and welcome into an impressive family. I never could have asked, or hoped for a more loving group of wonderful individuals. Thanks again.


p.s. Here's a hint for the next movie to come, "Cheeks".


The Brickman said...

I am so glad you captured this. Richard is pretty amazing and very clever and highly talented. Thank you Jonathan.

Melanie said...

i don't know what made me laugh more, the song or uncle dick laughing at the song! very funny! keep the footage rolling...

Anonymous said...

I will openly admit that I have made several attempts to duplicate his cheek talents, which then lead me to many explanations of why my face looked the result of slighting BanAnna.... Very talented man indeed. Though I must say the whole family is very talented, almost like the Vontrap family... I wonder if they ever go climbing in the mountains, or run around in clothes made from curtains. Captain Richard, that sounds about right.

Momma said...

Playing his cheeks is his 'super power.' It can't be duplicated.

Anonymous said...

I learned that the hard way, I still am talking with a slight lisp... very talented

Momma said...

I have a copy of the pnut butter/jelly on video. Is that something I can send email if interested? (cindy)

Anonymous said...

Hey Cindy, I should have figured that Fraulein Maria would have a copy... that and I remember that Craig was filming everything... with much better skill. :-) We would love a copy, I would also be happy to post it as well... as long as that is ok with you guys. Unfortunately, I believe that the file will be too large to send through email, so there are several other options we can pursue. We can upload it through a website like Youtube, or we can FTP it. Both might require some explanation from me, so maybe we should get in contact and I can further explain how to go about doing it. Anna and I are so excited about this, she actually went onto the internet a month ago and found the song so she could learn it... and... sing it... Don't give your email through the blog site, you run the risk of getting spammed. I will talk to Anna and have her get a hold of your contact info. Thanks again.

Momma said...

Sounds good. I also have Bill's alligator hunt, Amara's poem. I also have sweetcheekds and bummettes admitting 'on tape' their motives behind their first performance! I do have other studios asking me for that one, but family comes first!!

Anonymous said...

I would appreciate all of them, if possible... if demand has not outbid me. This could keep my reunion them going much longer. :-)

Momma said...

What if I sent them to you on a disk?

Momma said...

They are in the mail. I do have to apologize, I spelled your last name incorrectly-probably your first name as well. I should have just written Mezo on the front!

Anonymous said...

LOL, that is fine... Thank you veryyyyy much! I am really looking forward to them. Enjoyed talking with you last night.