This might be a little off topic, considering all the things that we still have not caught up on, BanAnna is still procrastinating the Chichen Itza article she wanted to write... I noticed there is a saved draft created back in July in our list of entries... She is going to BBQ me for telling. :-) Anyway, we celebrated Labor Day by doing the complete opposite; I am not even going to mention what time we woke up. This brings me to my point, finally. If you haven’t already noticed, Fall is rapidly approaching. There is something about this season that I really love. The weather gets a little cooler, depending on where you live of course. Those in
Fresno will not have noticed yet, and in
Washington they never noticed that it was summer. Here in the Bay Area, there is a definite sign that Fall is coming. The days are getting shorter, something I hate. But with that also comes the different shades of light that proceed the shorter days. I have never been able to articulate the true beauty that exists during Fall. The light, especially in the evening is so saturated with deep colors. I love this time of day, the brilliance of the midday sun is gone, but there is still plenty of light to see. Much like the season, everything is rich in color and things seem more brilliant.
Again, you will have to forgive me for not being able to describe the feelings that come when Fall arrives. The leaves change, and they too are saturated with deep reds and orange. The suns position casts longer and deeper shadows. The temperature is milder, and the evening brings a more relaxing cool air to it, which is good for the A/C bill, and the smells of Autumn replace the summer. Love it!
So I decided that I would try and find some pictures that would illustrate my point... After going through my stock; I was only able to find Disneyland pictures taken in mid October... back in 2003. Oh well, I will use them to further try and illustrate my point, and attempt to salvage my post.
Look at this first picture... it is the
Tower of
Terror at Disney's
California Adventure Park. And the one below it was taken roughly around the same time of day, the difference? July midday, and the second picture is midday October.

October, mid afternoon can be seen below.

Notice the deeper colors as the light hits it? No they did not need to re-paint the building, these pictures were taken the same year. The sky seems

The picture above was taken late afternoon in October, and unfortunately I don't have one to compare it too, but I hope that this is starting to make sense.

The picture below was taken in July mid morning...

And this one was taken 4 months latter in October

Maybe I'm crazy and just want an excuse to post Disney pics...

Until next time, take care >
matterhorn is my favorite ride, ever
i TOTALLY get it. fall is my favorite season, hands down. it is like everything comes into sharper focus. added to it is that chill in the it! i lol'd at your reference to the fact that washington never knew it was summer! so true! wish that was the case in texas. not only do we know it 's summer, but it's so hot you start to wonder if you are being punished for something.
Ah, Texas, another place that never sees the fall... just a mild summer. Meanwhile, Andy speaks a whole different language... Though the Matterhorn is on my top 5, it is all about the Pirates... nostalgia plays a major role when it comes to Disneyland... Unfortunately, those kinds of posts will get the blog police on me for being too long. Though Andy just recently did a humongous blog that even I could not compete with... Maybe I will do some Disney blogs.
I have to agree with Mel-T, last year when we had like 60 days straight of over 100 degree weather (many times over 110) you start to wonder what you could have possibly done wrong to merit such torture.
And yes, after BETH posted the really really long blog my first thought was, oh dear, what's the mezo-nator going to think. Maybe he thinks I'm calling him out and will have to do the worlds first 1 Gig blog post. Allah forbid-
One has to wonder, must anything be done to merit torture? What is torture to one might be pleasant to another... Though I am on board when it comes to despising the heat. 60 days, Yuck! Speaking of the subjectiveness of torture, that reminds me of my next topic... 1 gig posts! I am up for the challenge... "Put me in coach". 1 gig with animation... and Disney music playing in the background... I am feeling it. Allah has inspired me during this time of Ramadan.
matterhorn, pirates, 1G posts, Ramadan?? you boys have strayed far from original blog topic...:)
It usually happens that way, you should go back and read the comments from an old blog on the Anderson Reunion Blog back in March... I believe it still holds the record for number of comments...
Here is the link,
goood gravy, you guys were out of control!:) i loved how anna tried to interject reason periodically!
Actually, Anna has a terrible tendency of killing the blog, we still laugh today regarding her first attempt to play along, and it DIED!
lol, maybe you guys just don't speak girl, i thought she was hilarious!
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