Thursday, September 4, 2008

Out of my league.

I know that this is way out of my league, to even attempt to duplicate Uncle Dick's Reunion Blog would be an insult to his art. With that said, I do feel that posts about him are lacking. So I will make this one quick.

"Brielle can be seen pointing out the flashing lights of a tow truck, to an oblivious Grampa, while it pulls away with His fire engine red Ford Explorer." "She then proceeded to remind him that he should not park in front of a fire hydrant... despite the color and official look of his truck.


Melanie said...

is it just my computer, i can't see the picture...

Anonymous said...

It must be your computer, lather rinse, refresh, and repeat! If it is not your computer and will try and re-post, I will and see if anyone else has this problem...

Anonymous said...

I re-uploaded the picture again... just in case. :-)

Melanie said...

i always forget the repeat step,i see it! very funny!

Andy, Beth and Jennah, too! said...

FUNNY!...I think you're in the same league for sure!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure, there is silence from The Brickman, I might have overstepped my boundaries. :-)

The Brickman said...

Fire hydrants at Bowman's Bay? Not likely! Let's take a closer look at the picture. Notice the look on Brielle's face is more like that of someone witnessing an impending disaster. Notice the reflection of bright colors off the Brickman’s sunglasses. Now let’s think back to a post on the Anderson Reunion Post blog dated March 30, 2008 with 40 comments, titled “You can’t really mean it”. One of the comments was by Mezo and I quote “Dear Mister Brickman... is that you parasailing??? This is something I have wanted to try for years, and never had the courage. Is this one of the activities planed for the family reunion shin dig?” Well in this picture you see the composition of amazement and disbelief as Brielle points out Jonathan decked out, fully equipped with attached parasail, ready to make his daring leap. The flashing lights were from the hook and ladder fire truck which was called to pull Jonathan from the ledge where he became entwined with the foliage.

Anonymous said...

LOL... Vengeance will be mine Mr. Brickman!

Shelley said...

Oh great Jonathan,

You've upset the Brickman. This won't be good for you...

Melanie said...

my money's on the brickman jonathan. how does one manage to get intwined with foliage while parasailing?? were you trying to take pictures at the same time?..

Anonymous said...

Leave it to me to forget such a traumatic experience. I must have subconsciously replaced that memory with one that I constructed where someone else was wrought with embarrassment. As to why I ended up in the foliage... I think the glare from the Brickman's glasses blinded me as I was trying to swoop down for a picture of the group. How horrible, I still cringe with fear every time I hear I fire truck's siren.