Today's post is going to take us back in time. Back in January, before I was engaged, I visited Anna's family in Washington, Whidbey Island to be precise.

At first I had some anxieties going to visit:
The first is probably obvious to most. Going to visit your girlfriend's family can be very humbling.
Second: I didn’t know anybody, and I had never been to Washington. Those anxieties were quickly extinguished. I was welcomed with open arms by all of her wonderful family, and felt right at home.

This, in and of itself, was a good thing; you always want your girlfriend's family to like you. Unbeknownst to them, and partially myself at the time, I would become their son-in-law; luckily I didn't get too comfortable and start calling them Mom and Dad right of the bat, though it felt like I could have when I first met everyone.

The other thing that made this trip so wonderful was getting to see the landscape of the Seattle area, a place I did not know much about, and had never been to.

It is an amazing place, there about 600 islands that encompass the area. What I found even more interesting was the way people get around the area. To get to the island, I flew into SEA, and from there, took a small plane to the island itself. This was very exciting; I never have been on a small plane before, one with an open cockpit. It was almost like a roller coaster getting tossed around by the winds. Very little stabilization exists on these types of small aircraft. The other means of public transportation are the ferries.

The ferries link the islands together, not only do they transport people, but they also transport their cars as well. The picture below is of one of the ferries docking, once the boat is moored, cars drive off and on.

Coincidently, Anna's brother and sister in law were visiting, so I got to meet them as well.

Most of the pictures are of the kids, and it is obvious to see why, aren’t they cute?

Uncle Brickman was very elusive on this trip, every time I took a picture, he would look down at his camera, pretending to be doing something... :-)

Below we see Ethan discovers he can fit his fingers in between the grills of the railing.

There are a lot of things to do here, lots of places to see, and lots of wildlife to be photographed.

See the very ferocious Annabeast in her natural habitat, found above. I had to approach this dangerous creature with great caution. One false move and I might have woken her up; disturbing the Annabeast during her treasured nap time can mean certain doom. My trip was a wonderful experience, so good that I decided to marry Anna, that way I could come to visit more.

There was beauty to be found everywhere I went...

Until next time, thanks for reading...
Its a good thing you're attractive. Now we can live happily ever after --
Beauty and the Annabeast.
Can't wait for the two of you to come visit again. Lot's more to see.
Where were you guys taking the ferries to? The best is going down to Port Townsend because you can literally see the different currents all come together as they head out of the sound. I know Reed has issues taking the ferry down to Mukilteo because it has the name CLINTON attached to. Every time he goes past it he spits on the ground and mutters something in German.
Sorry for my delay in responding, I have been sick for the last couple of days. I believe that the island we went to was San Juan Island. We went to a toy store, and I think Brickman showed it on his post regarding Ethan finding his toy. I don't recall passing by Port Deception, so I don't think is was Townsend... I was, however, not aware of Reed's issues with Mukilteo... LOL
Ok, San Juan Islands, yeah, that's in the opposite direction. You left from Anancortez which is north of the island whereas Port Townsend is south.
Yes, and no more getting sick, I've been stuck at work with nothing to do. What is life without oppertunities to flex your whit? Hey that sounds like a good quote for a calendar.
Yeah it is good to be back, I totally can relate to the need to flex whit while at work, it is so boring otherwise. Humm, "flex your whit", I think it be a calendar that belongs in the garage... Oh yeah and before I forget, I promised Bannana I would respond to her original quote, "Beauty and the Annabeast... and if anyone else calls you beat, I will rip their lungs out"
--Jack Nicholson--
yum, I love beets [not really but saying that always me to capitalize on a mis-typed(not mis-spelled) word]
grrr, beast... it was suppose to be beast, honestly the way I type, you would think I was rushed for time
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