Well I have hit a landmark, sort of. This is my 20th post this year; I thought that there would be more fan-fair... oh well. So I have been wondering what to post about today. There has been a lot going on, a catch up would be nice. And then I thought; maybe a review of the previous posts, capitalizing on previous works; but then I thought, leave that for sitcoms. Anyway, I think today will be a catch up on what has been going on over the last week or two. Plans for the wedding are moving along; we got the invitations and are now in the process of addressing, printing out the engagement photo insert, (this is the one we decided on... like it???) j/k

and getting them in the mail. We also took a look at the event center on temple square; we both were very surprised at how big the room was. I think the on going thought between both of us was, to bad we don't have a lot of friends... "chuckle".
Speaking of temple square, I think it is so neat that we get to have the reception there, what a spectacular place to get married. I have posted some pictures of it before, but none truly do it justice. This weekend was no exception, we had stake conference on temple hill, and the weather could not have been more perfect. The view and visibility were absolutely breathtaking.

I wish I had my camera on me, the one time I don't bring it... grrrrr. The rest of the weekend was spent taking care of errands that had been lingering. Anna discovered a craft store, the name fails me, near by and she is more excited than ever to be relocating. Speaking of relocating, that is another task that we have to start working on. There is so much to do, and the days keep slipping away. The last I looked, the countdown clock was on 43 days??

Anna has adapted quite nicely to life in Concord, she loves the location and is very excited to make a home. She has taken to mothering my ferrets; thank goodness she has a kind heart and loves animals.

Dexter and Scout are no spring chickens, and ferrets are not nearly as much fun in the latter years. Never the less; she loves them anyway, and is very excited to adopt them as her own. I took some pictures of them a couple of weeks ago, as you can see below, the days of high energy exploration are long gone.

I am lucky if they make it to the litter box. Crazy little ferrets.

Scout still has some fight left in him, especially when the door to the inside of the house is open... he is still quick.

The upcoming weekend will take me back to Chico, Anna has a couple more field trips to go on, and this will give me a chance to take more photos... and discover more things to complain about, regarding Chico. I honestly am looking forward to the end of the commute, gas prices are killing us. According to AAA, California has the highest gas prices in the nation, go us. Not to mention that the highest average can be found right here in the Bay Area. I don't get it, the refineries are here, you would think that the cost of transporting it would be cheap... Tourist are coming to visit and are so shocked they can be seen taking pictures of the prices, true story. I took this picture a couple of weeks ago, thinking we had peaked, I was wrong. I paid $4.05 this morning.

A NYC newspaper which we will call, the "New York Rymes", was whining saying that they had the highest prices in the nation, take a seat big apple... or should I say big faker. Why do New Yuckers always have to be the most extreme in what ever the case is; if it is hot somewhere, it is hotter there. If it is cold in South Dakota, some one from NY will say it is colder in the city. A friend told me an interesting joke the other day, it was so true. What does a Vegan, a person who does not own a TV, and a person from New York have in common??? With in five minutes of meeting them, they have to announce to you that they are from NYC, that they don't own a TV, or that they are a vegan... so true. Anyway, I think that is it for now... thanks for reading.
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