While we are on the topic of Macs I thought I'd share my unfortunate experience at Apple's Genius Bar.
I've been having some problems with my iphone charging and so tonight I went to the Apple store for guidance. I don't think I uttered a complete sentence the whole time. The Mensa Member behind the counter kept interupting me to ask questions he apparently already knew the answer to. My side of the conversation went something like this:
It doesn't seem to be charging because when I . . .
Yes, but it doesn't . . .
Kind of--but when it . . .
Well, what happened is . . .
No, I don't think . . .
But it's OK. Clearly we where past mere words. --One heart and one mind-- He restored my phone to it's original state and reinstalled all the software. He told me to come back if I continued to have problems.
I was pretty disappointed. I like Macs (and their commercials). I hope this evening wasn't reflective of Apple tech support in general. Maybe the guy was just tired and anxious to finish his shift. Maybe he was late for a meeting or something.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Open mouth, insert disk...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
An Apple a day, keeps Steve Jobs rich.
(Warning; this is a very long, make Andy angry blog!)
For those who know me well; when I say Apple, what comes to mind? It is not that I necessarily dislike the company; in fact this post will probably contradict your feelings towards my “Mac point of view”. But before I start the good, let’s just get the bad out of the way so I can feel better about myself. The first and fore most distain for Apple does not have anything to do with its technology at all, it is its users. Now I know I am going to be rubbing some fur the wrong way with my family, but let me further explain. The average Mac user and I get along great. If you haven’t already guessed, I am a Windows man. It is the cult underground of Mac users that I can not stand.You know the types, the people that like to sit and talk about how much better Mac is in comparison to pc. They will usually quote some statistic about the speed of a Mac’s processor in comparison; or how much more secure a Mac is, or maybe something along the lines of “My Mac never freezes” which I can honestly say is not true. BanAnna has experienced many melt downs, and do not even get me started about my iPod. I found this “stat” on one of many websites devoted to proving Mac is superior. (Note, this comparison is pretty old in comparison to the processor's of today, but ilustrates the point no less.)

Look at the programming that is going on, all techs that work for Mac are geniuses, in accordance with the corporate design of their stores and online tech support. If you use iTunes, and yes I do too, you will notice the latest updated iTunes, version 8 point something, has a new music randomizer engine. Click a song, select genius and it creates a playlist that is catered to that particular genre. Though I am inclined to believe that it is built more around the year that particular song was released, instead of the songs sound, and type. But it is obvious why Apple has embarked down this road, Pandora has become very popular. Pandora is a music streaming website that builds playlists catered to your favorite type of music. You give it songs you like and it finds other songs that match it. There are over 128 different genres linked to each song, and it is very good at what it does. Plus you can hear music that you might never have heard before, and it is FREE. Check them out at www.Pandora.com.
So what is my point, do I hate Apple? Not at all. I admire their designs, I love my iPod; at least when it is not frozen. I have an iphone that kind of does what it is supposed to. But they keep releasing updates that fix some problems, and create others… sound familiar? Think Microsoft. I have found that as Apple has become more main stream, they are starting to feel the pains that Microsoft knows all to well. That really is the case with any large company that starts to appeal to the masses. The more people that use it, the more vulnerable it is to hackers. One thing that has helped and hurt Apple has been its proprietary hardware. Owning a pc is like owning a mutt. It is comprised of several different hardware devices designed by many different companies. Of course, these products have to be Windows ready, but it creates a problem when it comes to reliability and stability. You never know if the device is failing because its driver is not completely compatible with Windows, or if Windows software cannot manage the device properly. Hence the phrase, “plug and pray”. Apple has avoided this mess by making there own systems and contracting with hardware companies that have to go through certification to be used on a Mac. This also has hurt them at the same time. Mac hardware tends to be more expensive and you do not have the ability to shop for cheaper stuff, because the hardware is proprietary only to Apple. This particular topic has created intense debates with users and designers. By not giving the end user a choice, there is very little competition for the hardware designers to battle, or be motivated to design bigger and better hardware. This in turn means that there is no driving force behind the hardware manufactures to create new and more innovative products. Intel, whose chips are now used in Macs, comes out with a new and faster processor every couple of months, why? One theory is it creates a form of job security, when you buy a computer; it is out of date in about a month; therefore it drives the consumer to want to upgrade to the latest and greatest. The other reason is because they are competing for market share, one of their leading competitors is AMD; who also wants your business, so they are going to try and release a better chip to compete with Intel. Both of these companies’ chips, I might add, can be used in a PC.
Apple has done some great things over the years; I never believed I would ever switch from winamp to iTunes. Winamp was the software to have way back in the day for mp3 listening. It might be said that they were the direct reason iTunes is free, Winamp was free. Once I made the switch, I never looked back. I still today believe that iTunes, by far, is the best software for mp3s. Again, I love my iPod, I love the design of the PowerBooks, and for a company that was in danger of going under a very long time ago, they have created a foothold in the market that is not going anywhere… for now. Steve Jobs has lead the company to great success, and most of it has been built on the back of the iPod. I am embarrassed to admit that I have owned 8 iPods since its initial premier to Windows users. I owned the first generation, which actually was Windows specific. Would you believe there was a time when Apple only intended on making iPods for just Mac users? That would have been the end for the iPod. Over time I have sold old ones to buy the latest and greatest, one with more space, better designs, etc. Which leads me to the initial point of this article, or at least part of it? The iphone. This device has raised the bar in phone design. Their efforts obviously have paid off; I think almost one third of AT&T’s entire network is comprised of iphone users… under 2 year contracts of course. And with the popularity, comes the law suites. Supposedly there are some class action suits being filed, and as apple continues to release updates at an unprecedented rate, more problems emerge. This, in part, is due to popularity and third party applications, which expose them even more to hackers. And then the "ad on" fees, oh how I love those. It is almost enough to make one rethink owning a Blackberry. It’s these applications that bring me to my point, again. Apple released its own piece of ad on software for the iPhone that just impressed me beyond belief. Remote.
Remote is a piece of software that operates on the iphone wile connected to your home Wi-Fi. I need to back up a little. Itunes has a built in feature that allows you to share your music library over a local network. Basically it shares your music over your local home network, allowing any Mac or PC running iTunes to see your libraries, and there in play the music from the host computer. Not a bad idea for a home with multiple computers. But it gets better; they have also created a broadcast agent called Airtunes. Airtunes allows a user to broadcast what ever they are playing on their local machine to remote speakers. The idea is that you can have speakers anywhere in the house play what ever iTunes is playing on your computer. Neat idea eh? There is a catch, as there always is. You need a device to be able to receive this Wi-Fi broadcast, and then play it through your remote speakers. Enter Airport, or Airport Express.

The iphone or an iPod touch can run a little piece of software you can download from Apple (for free) that is called Remote. It allows you to connect to your computer that is running iTunes and change the song, playlist, adjust the volume, or even turn off and on different rooms. Not to mention that this software requires no configuration, and as most avid Apple users will tell you, it just works. Carrying your phone allows you to carry a remote to your homes sound system. This little ad-on sold me when it comes to Apple and some of their very forward thinking, now if they would only just come up with a router that can run iTunes so you don’t have to leave a computer running at all times. So, to sum up a very long and somewhat unorganized post, I think Apple has a lot to offer… Am I sold on their operating platform, not really. But ultimately I feel that both companies can co-exist and both have likes and dislikes. Not to mention, I love Apples forward thinking, it defiantly keeps the market from becoming anything but stagnant. Co-existing might be understating what I am thinking, I think there is a place for both companies in such a vast techno world. I also want to add that I personally am running a couple Airports through out my own home; I have speakers in the bathroom… I have always longed to be able to listen to music in the shower. Can you find the speakers?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Richard Sweetcheeks and the Bum-etts!
To follow suite with my theme, I am posting another movie today. This one, by far, was my favorite! They had not performed for years, this in part was due to failed attempts to secure contracts that each member could live with, and you know how that goes. The group disbanded and went off to start their own solo careers. It was believed that they never would play together again. The long nights, being on the road, the adoring fans, it got to be too much for them. Supposedly the proverbial straw that broke the camel was that they were served cookie bars, instead of round cookies in their dressing rooms. That was the beginning of the end.
After years of separation, by chance, they happened to end up at a party together; and then their performance was requested. What impressed me the most was how willing they were to get back together after being separated for so long. Within 20 seconds, they were up on stage, performing as if it was yesterday. I was able to secure a front row seat to this gig, and lucky for me, security was loose (Supposedly they were all tied up with some idiot who parasailed himself into the foliage), so I was able to sneak in a video camera. The story behind this act is interesting. Supposedly the group was formed to destroy another family reunion, at least that is what the tabloids are saying. So, before I start in on that story; let me end by taking the honor to introduce, "Richard Sweetcheeks, and the Bum-etts."
After years of separation, by chance, they happened to end up at a party together; and then their performance was requested. What impressed me the most was how willing they were to get back together after being separated for so long. Within 20 seconds, they were up on stage, performing as if it was yesterday. I was able to secure a front row seat to this gig, and lucky for me, security was loose (Supposedly they were all tied up with some idiot who parasailed himself into the foliage), so I was able to sneak in a video camera. The story behind this act is interesting. Supposedly the group was formed to destroy another family reunion, at least that is what the tabloids are saying. So, before I start in on that story; let me end by taking the honor to introduce, "Richard Sweetcheeks, and the Bum-etts."
Friday, September 12, 2008
There's a Skeeter!
As I mentioned in my last blog, I was able to secure a couple of home movies from the "Anti-Talent Show", back at the reunion in July. I enjoyed watching these, and I was sad to see that the Peanut Butter and Jelly song was not in the mix. I did find, however, the song called "There's a Skeeter in the Bathroom". Today's post will be short, I want to thank all the nice heartfelt compliments from the last couple of posts. I truly have felt the warmth and welcome into an impressive family. I never could have asked, or hoped for a more loving group of wonderful individuals. Thanks again.
p.s. Here's a hint for the next movie to come, "Cheeks".
p.s. Here's a hint for the next movie to come, "Cheeks".
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Meet "The Brickman"
I must say that I have really enjoyed the blog scene; Anna had introduced it to me during our time of engagement. And by introducing, I mean that she brought me into the small corner that makes up the network of the family. Being IT, I had already known what blogging was, I actually had a section on my website that was devoted to blogging... I found that I never updated it, because it just wasn't any fun. But this is not what I wanted to talk about today. Today, I want to reflect back on my first encounter with the beloved Brickman. I was introduced to the Brickman back in January; it was during my initial trip out to meet Anna's parents before I proposed to her. Though my intentions at the time were not poised on getting married, I honestly just had the desire to see where her family lived and meet them. Looking at this in retrospect, I can see where I might have had subconscious ulterior motives. It was a smart move on my part none the less; we got engaged 3 weeks latter. I feel it's a good idea to meet the parents before you call and ask permission to marry their only daughter. :-) But this story can, and should be told by Anna; she has remarkable storytelling talents. Now if she could just get over the whole blog posting anxiety. And again, I am off target.
Anyway, my trip out to Washington was supposed to be a meet the parents. Little did I know it was a meet the family. By chance, and I don't know if it was chance or planned, Alan and Christina where there with the kids. So I thought, ok, this isn't too bad; a couple more strangers to meet, and then stay with for a couple of days. Not to hard. In this type of situation you hope you are liked, or else it can be a very uncomfortable couple of days, especially when you are staying at their home. These were things I hadn't thought about until I was on the plane headed for the island, no turning back now. So I start to get to know the family and then I find out, I will be meeting more. Enter Brickman and Janet stage left. Wow, at this point I was starting to develop all kinds of conspiracy theories about my supposed meet the parents trip. The introductions are not over yet, I got to meet grandma after that. So, for those of you who are counting, that makes nine people. Keep in mind that Anna and I were only dating at the time. Some people might think that this is not that big of a deal, they might take this experience in stride and enjoy meeting new people. Me, I was terrified, and without a transferable ticket... not to mention I was trapped on an island. At that point, all I could do was hope that I would be accepted, being liked would be a dream. My fears were squelched as I was warmly received and loved. Even if they did end up not liking me, I never would have known. This brings me to my point, finally.
My introduction to the Brickman is one I fondly remember. I was downstairs in the Hopper House, probably couriering with feelings of fear and nervousness, when Anna came and told me that her Uncle and Aunt had arrived. As I started the long assent up the stairs, I heard a booming voice coming from the hall. My first encounter was classic Brickman, it is one that we, ironically, have all scene before. For those of you who attended the family reunion, you might remember the anti-talent show. It was quite an experience, filled with laughter and great performances. Just last night, I downloaded the movies I had taken of the show from my Camcorder. I had totally forgotten about them. I honestly wish that the movies were of the same quality as the pictures I took; as you will soon see, it is obvious that my skills in filming are lacking in comparison to taking pictures. So, as you might have already guessed, I filmed the famous CARROT DANCE! It was this same dance that became my introduction to the Brickman back in January. Needless to say, after seeing this, all my anxieties and fears disappeared. So, it gives me great pleasure to present to you all; The Brickman, & his famous Carrot Dance, enjoy!
Now you might wonder why I posted the second movie below, what relevance does it have to the Carrot Dance? I unfortunately stopped filming at the end, before the applause was given, so I wanted everyone to see that this act was wildly accepted and loved by all who were able to witness it.
I have many more movies that I will be posting, so keep checking back.
p.s. I find revenge is a dish best served in the foliage. ;-)
Anyway, my trip out to Washington was supposed to be a meet the parents. Little did I know it was a meet the family. By chance, and I don't know if it was chance or planned, Alan and Christina where there with the kids. So I thought, ok, this isn't too bad; a couple more strangers to meet, and then stay with for a couple of days. Not to hard. In this type of situation you hope you are liked, or else it can be a very uncomfortable couple of days, especially when you are staying at their home. These were things I hadn't thought about until I was on the plane headed for the island, no turning back now. So I start to get to know the family and then I find out, I will be meeting more. Enter Brickman and Janet stage left. Wow, at this point I was starting to develop all kinds of conspiracy theories about my supposed meet the parents trip. The introductions are not over yet, I got to meet grandma after that. So, for those of you who are counting, that makes nine people. Keep in mind that Anna and I were only dating at the time. Some people might think that this is not that big of a deal, they might take this experience in stride and enjoy meeting new people. Me, I was terrified, and without a transferable ticket... not to mention I was trapped on an island. At that point, all I could do was hope that I would be accepted, being liked would be a dream. My fears were squelched as I was warmly received and loved. Even if they did end up not liking me, I never would have known. This brings me to my point, finally.
My introduction to the Brickman is one I fondly remember. I was downstairs in the Hopper House, probably couriering with feelings of fear and nervousness, when Anna came and told me that her Uncle and Aunt had arrived. As I started the long assent up the stairs, I heard a booming voice coming from the hall. My first encounter was classic Brickman, it is one that we, ironically, have all scene before. For those of you who attended the family reunion, you might remember the anti-talent show. It was quite an experience, filled with laughter and great performances. Just last night, I downloaded the movies I had taken of the show from my Camcorder. I had totally forgotten about them. I honestly wish that the movies were of the same quality as the pictures I took; as you will soon see, it is obvious that my skills in filming are lacking in comparison to taking pictures. So, as you might have already guessed, I filmed the famous CARROT DANCE! It was this same dance that became my introduction to the Brickman back in January. Needless to say, after seeing this, all my anxieties and fears disappeared. So, it gives me great pleasure to present to you all; The Brickman, & his famous Carrot Dance, enjoy!
p.s. I find revenge is a dish best served in the foliage. ;-)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A stitch in time, will save nine.

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Out of my league.
I know that this is way out of my league, to even attempt to duplicate Uncle Dick's Reunion Blog would be an insult to his art. With that said, I do feel that posts about him are lacking. So I will make this one quick.
"Brielle can be seen pointing out the flashing lights of a tow truck, to an oblivious Grampa, while it pulls away with His fire engine red Ford Explorer." "She then proceeded to remind him that he should not park in front of a fire hydrant... despite the color and official look of his truck.
"Brielle can be seen pointing out the flashing lights of a tow truck, to an oblivious Grampa, while it pulls away with His fire engine red Ford Explorer." "She then proceeded to remind him that he should not park in front of a fire hydrant... despite the color and official look of his truck.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
It's all about the Fall!
This might be a little off topic, considering all the things that we still have not caught up on, BanAnna is still procrastinating the Chichen Itza article she wanted to write... I noticed there is a saved draft created back in July in our list of entries... She is going to BBQ me for telling. :-) Anyway, we celebrated Labor Day by doing the complete opposite; I am not even going to mention what time we woke up. This brings me to my point, finally. If you haven’t already noticed, Fall is rapidly approaching. There is something about this season that I really love. The weather gets a little cooler, depending on where you live of course. Those in Fresno will not have noticed yet, and in Washington they never noticed that it was summer. Here in the Bay Area, there is a definite sign that Fall is coming. The days are getting shorter, something I hate. But with that also comes the different shades of light that proceed the shorter days. I have never been able to articulate the true beauty that exists during Fall. The light, especially in the evening is so saturated with deep colors. I love this time of day, the brilliance of the midday sun is gone, but there is still plenty of light to see. Much like the season, everything is rich in color and things seem more brilliant.
Again, you will have to forgive me for not being able to describe the feelings that come when Fall arrives. The leaves change, and they too are saturated with deep reds and orange. The suns position casts longer and deeper shadows. The temperature is milder, and the evening brings a more relaxing cool air to it, which is good for the A/C bill, and the smells of Autumn replace the summer. Love it!
So I decided that I would try and find some pictures that would illustrate my point... After going through my stock; I was only able to find Disneyland pictures taken in mid October... back in 2003. Oh well, I will use them to further try and illustrate my point, and attempt to salvage my post.
Look at this first picture... it is theTower of Terror at Disney's California Adventure Park . And the one below it was taken roughly around the same time of day, the difference? July midday, and the second picture is midday October.
October, mid afternoon can be seen below.
Notice the deeper colors as the light hits it? No they did not need to re-paint the building, these pictures were taken the same year. The sky seems blue..er.
The picture above was taken late afternoon in October, and unfortunately I don't have one to compare it too, but I hope that this is starting to make sense.

The picture below was taken in July mid morning...
And this one was taken 4 months latter in October
Maybe I'm crazy and just want an excuse to post Disney pics...
Until next time, take care >
Again, you will have to forgive me for not being able to describe the feelings that come when Fall arrives. The leaves change, and they too are saturated with deep reds and orange. The suns position casts longer and deeper shadows. The temperature is milder, and the evening brings a more relaxing cool air to it, which is good for the A/C bill, and the smells of Autumn replace the summer. Love it!
So I decided that I would try and find some pictures that would illustrate my point... After going through my stock; I was only able to find Disneyland pictures taken in mid October... back in 2003. Oh well, I will use them to further try and illustrate my point, and attempt to salvage my post.
Look at this first picture... it is the
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